
how can i stop rtag.co/ . everytime i am uploading it on hootsuite it takes over my links.

TwitManoj9 9 years ago updated by RiteTag Support Team 9 years ago 2
how can i stop rite tag to automatically take over my links.
Under review
Hi Manoj,

In Customize, make sure LinkGoodies is checked. Click the gear under LinkGoodies:

You'll probably want to set up and test your ShareBar, so when you share using the RiteTag browser button (to share web pages, your site/blog/event page/etc.), they go out with your CTA.

Then, turn off "shorten links by default" (top):

Save at the bottom.

Please tweet to @ritetag if you have any problem or post in here.


We now are in the Hootsuite App Directory - just click the puzzle on the left in Hootsuite and get the free app (RiteTag Lite/Pro/Agency account required)

Here's the help page for the Hootsuite app:https://ritetag.com/help/ritetag-hootsuite-app-how-to Soon you'll be able to use the RiteTag CTA on links with ow.ly as a choice, not just bit.ly or rtag.co. Give us a week or so on that, though and please keep an eye out for our newsletters.

Sorry for the wait,
