Email unsubscribe process may not comply with current legislation
You might want to have your marketing and legal folks check your email unsubscribe process. Your current process requires logging in -- which means re-authorizing RiteTag to use my social media account just to tell you that I no longer want to receive email messages. I doubt this complies with current legislation in many countries.

RiteTag Support Team vor 11 Jahren

RiteTag Support Team vor 11 Jahren
Thank you for the suggestion, Susan. I just spoke with our CTO who is all for this as well. We just planned this as something to code, but it will take time. Services like Aweber and Mailchimp offer this, but with our own CRM within RiteTag, we do as much as we can as fast as we can, alas. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Michal Hudeček vor 11 Jahren
Customer support service by UserEcho