Not a bug

the auto-enhance feature doesn't seem to work

Andrei Bernovski 9 років тому оновлено RiteTag Support Team 9 років тому 7

Not sure what's happening - doesn't seem to works at all no matter if I post from app, extension, etc...just keeps on spinning

Under review

Thanks, Andrei, but for how much time has that been happening? It's working for us, but we'll investigate and reply again - Saul


Hi Saul,

Pretty much from the start - I signed up yesterday and and still cannot get it tot work - tried different browsers / extensions. Clicking the button - just get a spinning wheel forever.

Auto-enhance is the most enticing feature for me, so would really be keen to evaluate it.



Thanks, Andrei. Just checking with our Data Science lead, we're changing to a faster, more relevant logic for Auto-Enhance, which will be online in a couple days. Check back soon, and to make sure you have time to fully enjoy it, if you would write saul@ritetag.com with the Twitter account (just the account name, not password, please) you use for login, I will gladly extend your free trial.




I've been having the same problem today. It just spins and spins.

Yes, same here - Auto-Enhance is down, but the full toolkit is working - "Enhance manually." The guys in Prague will be on Auto-Enhance Monday morning. Sorry about the hickup.

BTW, have you been using your LinkGoodies - https://ritetag.com/customize/link-goodies? The CTA Sharebar can be going out in pages (URLs) you share socially, and with your branding, too. Have the two boxes at the top of https://ritetag.com/customize/link-goodies selected, and when you share pages from the RiteTag site or the browser button, type a space to see the URL in the post/Tweet converted to an rtag.co; your ShareBar is in that.

Hope this helps, A.R., and I assure you that Auto-Enhance revival is job-one today.

- Saul


Hi: Is there ANY manual, or set of instructions, how to use this, at ALL? All I see is a KB that doesn't have any actual instructions; just links to the "Hashtag Academy," which has "Free Hashtag Analytics by Twitter notiification," and a bunch of other marketing blather. I simply want to know HOW to use this. Nothing I do seems to work. Either I'm dumped into the RiteTag website, to "optimze" my tweet or whatever, or the post gets fouled up. Obviously, what seems intuitive to use for the developers, isn't for me. All I want is a basic "how-to" guide. Does that exist? Do I type the word in the tweet? In something else? How does this WORK? As I'm paying for it, I'd love to know. When I type hastags in my social media, nothing happens. ??? Help?

Not a bug

Thanks, Kimberly. I saw your email first and replied in full. For everyone else's sake... Please see our Help Pages

