
Rite Tag isn't working

Wonderlabs UK 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door RiteTag Support Team 10 jaar geleden 9
Hey! We are using the chrome extension of Rite Tag. We use it in Sprout Social and when we manually tweet in Twitter and it hasn't been working in both of them for the past couple of days. It is in the the box when we go to tweet, but the colours don't show up when you write in the hashtags. We are using Mac OSX 10.9.4. Would be great if you could help us as we have been finding it very helpful! Thanks :D
Having the same problem over the past three days. Not getting color coding in Hootsuite or manually. I also use the Chrome extension.
Under review
Thanks again - I just tested, found the same issue.  Was working until hours ago for me, but I'll put the guys onto it.  Should be back online in Hootsuite by mid-day UK time, Oct. 9. - SauL
Hootsuite fixed with Chrome and Firefox extensions.  Please let us know if either still acts up.  As for Sprout, we're shooting for tomorrow for the bug-fix (sorry for the delay). - SauL
Have you tried the Chrome extension - our most stable.- SauL
hi, i want to download the firefox exstension but i just became the error file download not complete. whats wrong?
Should be back up in a few minutes. If not, please pester our pavel@ritetag.com ? Thanks - SauL
Currently having this problem. Chrome extension. Windows 7. Pestering Pavel.
Sorry, Ryuna! As for the link to Settings, you first need to login to be able to open https://ritetag.com/settings/ Welcome to pester Pavel, but to set up a video call and get hands-on help from our CTO, michal@ritetag.com, please.

We are six days from radically upgrading the browser extension (Chrome in 6 days; Firefox and Safari just a couple days later), and having been testing it, it solves your bug, Ryuna (and adds several new functions, at no additional cost.)

I thought you might like a sneak-preview of all the tools in that you will be able to toggle on/off, since effective hashtags are just one facet of a total social media marketing toolkit, in the upcoming upgrade:

Finally, I think you will want to see AutoEnhance (not even in the screenshot of the coming customizable extension, but AutoEnhance is nearly done, too: the machine studies your Tweet or Facebook update and suggests one green (really good but just for right now) and one blue (makes your Tweet/update come up in search for a long time - weeks/months), gives a far easier image add solution... and I'll save the rest for a little surprise...

Saul Fleischman
Founder & CEO at RiteTag
Reserve a video call with me