
connected accounts

Dwain Scott 10 years ago updated by RiteTag Support Team 9 years ago 5
I want to change my twitter accounts and can't figure out how to do it. Please help I am using a new account




If you are RiteTag Pro or Agency, you can associate more than one Twitter and one Facebook account. If Lite, we suggest that you be logged in to Facebook on your own facebook account, then in RiteTag, add facebook but switch from profile to page. See, only page posts show up in facebook search.

Hope this helps,


Under review
Of course, Dwain. If you are on Pro/Agency, click your name > Settings to add/remove. If you want to change the sign-in twitter account, please write michal@ritetag.com with acct name, current twitter handle and twitter handle to change to.

Thanks, Saul
Not sure if you saw my reply, Dwain, so I emailed you directly. - Saul

Am I able to associate my ritetag login with more than one twitter account/social networking account that I own? I find it annoying that when ritetag needs me to reauth, that I'm inevitably in another account with other credentials which necessitates logging out, logging into ritetag and then logging out then back in and trying to pick up where I left off. I've also noticed that there is an option to associate a FB login. How do I associate login in addition to my twitter account? ... I'm not an agency .. it's just moi!



If you are RiteTag Pro or Agency, you can associate more than one Twitter and one Facebook account. If Lite, we suggest that you be logged in to Facebook on your own facebook account, then in RiteTag, add facebook but switch from profile to page. See, only page posts show up in facebook search.

Hope this helps,
