

Jan Elrod fa 11 anys updated by RiteTag Support Team fa 10 anys 4
Unable to unsubscribe.  Please advise
Under review
Jan, to unsubscribe, just go to Settings (from your name, pull down to Settings in the RiteTag site), and you'll see the notifications right at the top.  Uncheck the box, save at the bottom, and you wont hear from us again.
I need to unsubscribe and the tick box you mention doesn't need to be there anymore.

Please advise.
Sorry to be a nuisance. While I cannot turn off your notifications from my side, doing so from your side wont take a minute.

Please be logged in to Twitter with the Twitter account with which you signed up for RiteTag. Then, just go to https://ritetag.com and go to Settings - https://ritetag.com/settings - where you'll see "Receive important notifications" right under the email address field. If you deselect that, then save at the bottom, you wont hear from us again.

If you have created RiteTag accounts from more than one Twitter account, you would need to change Twitter accounts and repeat the procedure. I am sorry that we do not have something built in to our admin menu to enable us to do this for you; still in beta, that feature, like 200 other "basic things" are in the process of getting taken care of.

Thank you for being an early adopter of our ever-evolving startup, and we hope you'll continue to use RiteTag - and never hesitate to let us know what you think.
 - SauL