Uw opmerkingen

Please copy your tweet and save it somewhere.  refresh the page.  Try again, and please tell us if it still does not allow you to send. - Saul
Our guys suggest reloading the page and trying again. - SauL
We're in the middle of major changes with the extensions, should be working again soon.
Try to refresh or wait little bit longer. Looks good on our side. 

Suggest trying somewhat more general searches, such as "iphone" or "iphone6."

You'll find hashtags with stats you like.  Hint: click hashtags, and save tagsets - you'll soon use them in our Optimizer.  (Coming in just days...)

- SauL 
Hi Jeseph, we can't find the screenshot of the console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome). Can you please send it again here in user echo or to support@ritetag.com?