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Hi, Moe,

Are you using Buffer or Sendible as Scheduler - in https://ritetag.com/customize/auto-schedule ?

If so, you would need to change your default networks to send to so that G+ is not one of them.

By the way, if using RiteTag for scheduler, we do not send to Google+, so that cannot be it.

Or, you might be using IFTTT so that everything you Tweet goes to G+?



Jaron, try clearing browser cache "files" and refreshing browser. - Saul


If you are RiteTag Pro or Agency, you can associate more than one Twitter and one Facebook account. If Lite, we suggest that you be logged in to Facebook on your own facebook account, then in RiteTag, add facebook but switch from profile to page. See, only page posts show up in facebook search.

Hope this helps,


Did you try typing a space at the end of the URL and waiting 3 seconds? - Saul

Hi there - can you check https://ritetag.com/hashtag-stats/carnaval now? We fixed the bug, and while it will take up to 10 seconds, sometimes 15, that's while calculations are going on.

Hope this helps,


Thanks, it's been in the plans: convert words to emoji and user preferences for Auto-Enhance - Saul

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Will ask you about this when we speak next. - Saul

I like this and would use it. We'll have to figure out a fast way to identify many of these blogs and perhaps... autocomplete rss' that get author Twitter handle and also allow iFrames

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