Ваші коментарі

Many thanks for the heads-up. We're monkeying with the extension right now, and will get URL-shortening back online very soon. By the way, if you are on the Pro or Agency plan, you might want to visit your https://ritetag.com/settings/ - you can choose to have links converted to bit.ly rather than rtag.co. I am using the bit.ly option.
- SauL
No problem at all. We're changing things so fast, I can pretty much promise you we'll be breaking things a couple times a week, going bad to fix them. - SauL
That's a bug. Pushing to Pavel. Will let you know when fixed, Graeme. Thanks, SauL
Good question, Berry. Like every service that does anything with hashtag analytics, we work with representative samples of data. What's more, activity for some hashtags is steady / cyclical for others. Please see https://ritetag.com/best-hashtags-for/1u and then https://ritetag.com/hashtag-stats/1u - and especially the historical data in the second link. Between April 5 - 12 there was little to no activity. - SauL
Thanks, J. Will look into to it, and if you have a wish-list, do let me know. Chat's fine. - SauL
This took longer than we expected but you should have the buffer extension cleanely integrated with RiteTag. Be sure to check out our new image insertion features as well. - @snk
It has always been a challenge to integrate smoothly into so many different websites. Can you tell us what the exact problem is and on which website you are experiencing this? Or is it the modal sharing window? -@snk