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I've been having the same problem today. It just spins and spins.

It seems to work if I use Buffer instead of the RiteTag scheduler. Since I have had nothing but recurrent problems with the RiteTag scheduler, I'll just plan to use Buffer.
I was sending from within RiteTag. Specifically, I clicked the Auto-Enhance button on the Coach page and then the Auto-Schedule. I have the RiteTag composer button installed in Firefox but have not used it for scheduling.
This is happening to me now, but it is happening with Twitter rather than Facebook.
This problem with scheduling tweets is back. I had four tweets scheduled yesterday, and they all went out simultaneously at a time for which none of them had been scheduled.
After confirming that it wasn't working, I removed all scheduled tweets. So it would not keep happening. I'll try it again.
This was reported 2 months ago and is still not working. I can schedule tweets, but they are all sent at once with no interval between them.
I just confirmed that this is still not working.
It seems to be working now. It must have just taken a few hours to get going.