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10 jaar geleden
Did you click on Refresh button?
Andrea, yes, we know, and are launching the next-generation Chrome extension in a matter of days. It will do much more in Tweetdeck, Buffer, and even Facebook and Google+. Hang in there a few days, and if I may preview by screen-share what's nearly ready to release, please video cal with me - osakasaul@gmail.com. I'll also be glad to give you a few RiteTag pro-tips, what's coming in November - January, and would be glad to help you on ideas for how to get your stuff done with RiteTag and our integrations. - SauL
Thanks, Jim, indeed, it is. We are polishing the new extension, which we'll ship for Chrome first, Safari and Firfox days later. For now, can I be a stinker and ask you to use the Chrome extension? - SauL
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