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Auto-Enhance Button In Buffer

Paste or type your post/Tweet/update in the field, hit AutoEnhance.
Then, you can fine-tune with your RiteTag Toolkit.

You’ll get click-to-add hashtag suggestions that are color-graded for engagement and longevity. If possible, AutoEnhance will add a # to 1-2 operative words in your Tweet to make them hashtags. When it’s better to leave your wording alone but add hashtags to the end of the Tweet, AutoEnhance will add one green* and one blue* hashtag to the end of your Tweet. We’ll also add an image or animated GIF which, if you are over 140 characters, you might need to remove (the X on the image icon) or, trim the text of your Tweet (better!)

Hashtag smarter: one green, one blue, never more than two.
* Green hashtag = real good, right now. Good engagement and the Tweet density (Tweets/hour containing this hashtag) is in the perfect range.* Blue hashtag = wonderful for getting your tweet to come up in search for weeks to months, not just 1-2 days, since the tweet density is not too high. The blue hashtag grade indicates that there is some engagement, but with a moderate number of Tweets/hour with this hashtag, when people click on the hashtag for recent tweets containing it or, when they search it, get Tweets in a search column (Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, SalesForce and other listening dashboards, etc.), your Tweet is very likely to get read. The blue hashtag grade indicates that this hashtag is great for extending the life of your Tweet.
If the image added is an animated GIF, you'll see it playing - right in Buffer:

So, what do you think? Should we do this in Hootsuite, SproutSocial, Facebook?
Do you use the AutoEnhanced Tweet as-is or do you use your RiteTag Toolkit tools to refine further?
What other sites should have the AutoEnhance Button?
Any bugs to share? Please let us know your OS, browser extension and screenshots help a lot - right in the comments below.

Niche tags
I would like to see pop-up scores for tags on mouse-over, and a more accessible page for comparing tags against one another.

Scheduled tweets are not working send all my tweet to queque.

Not showing up on HootSuite dashboard
Ritetag is suddenly not showing up on my HootSuite dashboard on Chrome anymore. I have the extension installed and enabled.

Add the ability to add team members

get gifs
How do I access the GIF library? Since joining this awesome app---I can't figure out why my GIF library keeps disappearing.

Ritetag not showing in Hootsuite any more
Hi, until today i had Ritetag in Hootsuite so I could check the hashtags whilst composition a message to publish. Now it has disappeard. tried a couple of browsers - same thing. Any ideas why??!

Folks, we're waiting on Hootsuite to reply. We've jumped through their flaming hoops, waiting to get approved as a Hootsuite app - the only way we can re-integrate with Hootsuite.
Thanks for your patience.
In the meantime, warm welcome to set up a call with me - I can show you how we've cut our own social media scheduling from 2 hours to 30 mins/week and increased to 70 posts/week by using Automation (in the top menu of RiteTag site.

the auto-enhance feature doesn't seem to work
Not sure what's happening - doesn't seem to works at all no matter if I post from app, extension, etc...just keeps on spinning
Customer support service by UserEcho