We live for feedback!
Nie znaleziono podobnych wątków.

Z odpowiedzią
Payment Issues, Plan Change Requests, Refund Requests
With any PayPal, plan-change or payment issues, including refund requests, please leave a private message or reply below and we will take care of you as very soon as possible. (That's a promise!)
Please give us the Twitter account you signed up for RiteTag with, such as @ritetag so we can look into your account and payments status.
Please give us the Twitter account you signed up for RiteTag with, such as @ritetag so we can look into your account and payments status.

Why isn't it updating anymore
The dashboard is not updating anymore and shows old results

Z odpowiedzią
Hi, why can't I get ritetag to work in tweetdeck??
I was really hoping I could get ritetag to work in tweetdeck but it doesn't seem to be connected. Help!

Sprout social Issue - Shorten Link
When I reply to a message through sprout social, your Tags appear over the "shorten link" button. So I am unable to click the Shorten Link button.

When I reply to a message through sprout social, your Tags appear over the "shorten link" button. So I am unable to click the Shorten Link button.

Scheduling not working
Maybe working on something? but the scheduler is now not working.

Z odpowiedzią
Sprout Social Integration
Do you still integrate with Sprout Social?
I tried it once but now I cant find how to integrate or enable it.

HOw do I uninstall??
ie, I can't afford a plan right now but I get the rite tag login prompt on everything I do on twitter.

credit card
Payment declined. I want to pay monthly $15. I ran the card twice with that option -- the receipt shows payment for 1 year = $120.
Customer support service by UserEcho