We live for feedback!

RiteTag bugging with Safari

Thomas 9 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 8 ár síðan 1
The coach option doesn't appear of the extension of RiteTag for Safari (check first screenshot) anymore since yesterday and it's missing some features compare to the one for Chrome (below the first one)

Image 68

Image 69

i would have completely swapped for Chrome if i didn't need to be logged in on two twitter. is it just me or is it normal?

Against "Sent tweet" List."Tweeted Time" change GMT+2:00 ?

Kouji 10 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 9 ár síðan 4
Image 37
Against "Sent tweet" List. (Mean https://ritetag.com/stats
I am unfamiliar of thinking about GMT time.
But "Tweeted Time" is Japan Standard Time +7:00 surely.
"Tweeted Time" change GMT+2:00 ?

TweetDeck Inline Replies

Jeseph Meyers 10 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 10 ár síðan 4
Inline reply form on TweetDeck doesn't close when clicking X and also remains after clicking 'tweet'. Shown below: Image 21

Scheduled tweets are not working

Atheist Revolution 9 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 9 ár síðan 3
I put a few tweets in the scheduler. The date and time they were scheduled passed without them ever going out. It shows that they were sent hours ago, but they never appeared in my Twitter timeline.

Colorblind mode

Giri Vakkalanka 9 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 8 ár síðan 2

Why is it taking so long to post my tweets which I say "send now"??

Jo Stanley 8 ár síðan updated by Prof Ssekago Arnold 5 ár síðan 3

Sent one last night and it didn't post until this morning. I didn't "autoschedule". This delay has been happening about a week or two.


buffer extension safari

Katie McCaskey 9 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 9 ár síðan 4
I <B Buffer; it would be super if RiteTag would appear in the Safari extension, here:

Image 63
Not a bug

Can't access Account Settings

LeaseEnd 9 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 8 ár síðan 4

When I try to access my account settings it flashes over to the message the servers are being upgraded and check back in an hour or two. This has been a couple days now without access.


Against "Sent Tweets" Unknown phenomenon.(https://ritetag.com/stats)

Kouji 10 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 10 ár síðan 3
Image 43

Dear Saul, mismatch #

Graeme Duncan 9 ár síðan updated by RiteTag Support Team 8 ár síðan 4
On twitter as I write I get white # for #Africa and #usa - but at RiteTag main page #usa is green with 3M views! Please advise.