I composed a tweet in Twitter of less than 140 chars. Ritetag thinks this tweet is actually 20-190 chars too long and will not post it.
At one point, when I tried to copy one of my Youtube links into the Ritetag tweet box again from scratch, it somehow ended up copied about 8 times into the chat box, the other link was suddenly repeating too (though I hadn't touched that one yet). Another time, there appeared a large chunk of white space (as if someone had hit the space bar multiple times after a word, but I hadn't and I couldn't backspace it away). Something is clearly buggy.
I had wanted to track the hashtags and link-clicks for future reference, which I cannot do from inside Twitter directly (as that only shows me the hashtag grading). But apparently I cannot post from Ritetag right now unless it is to say something incredibly short and without links...?
I have not had THIS much difficulty before. This morning I received an email about some update to RiteTag, and now this is a problem. This MUST be a bug?

Scheduled tweets all going out at once

Hootsuite extension not working again
I recently opened a Ritetag account and moved from Firefox to Chrome. I have the extension installed but I cannot get the hashtag information to appear in Hootsuite when I am posting in my publisher. It doesn't seem to matter what I do and there is no information on this website about how to deal with this. To say the least, I'm not happy with my service and if this isn't fixed in the next few days I'll be canceling the 1 year account I just bought last week.

How do you use this to suggest hashtags for a tweet rather than putting in specific ideas you already have

Emoji's show as ? in tweet
Using coaching on my Buffer feed and setting an emoji sometimes results in a "?" instead of the emoji. This appears this way in RiteTag, Buffer and Twitter. Other times is shows properly in all views. Is this a known issue or can it be resolved? Thanks!difference.

I hope to add file or picture(pdf, jpeg, etc) for elucidating more exactly.
I hope to add file or picture(pdf, jpeg, etc) for elucidating more exactly.
Thank you.

Hoot suite integration not working
Does not work in safari or Firefox. Chrome seems to be problematic but works mostly.

Rite Tag is back!!!!! Cheaaah

Server capacity error when attempting to access detailed stats
We are upgrading server capacity
In order to analyze hashtags faster, we need to upgrade our servers. Please come back in an hour or two.Thanks for your patience

Error against "Tweet with Photo". as "Auto schedule" , "Time schedule"

I used "Tweet with Photo" Win7,Google chrome
Success "Tweet now"
Error "Auto schedule" and "Time schedule"
Please Check and Reset my schedule
Thank you.
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