Auto Enhance Button on Hootsuite's Hootlet in Chrome
The auto enhance button is stepping on the native Hootsuite selections in the Hootlet. It is taking the place of the ability to add tags to the message which is something I need to use all the time.

I can only connect to my personal Facebook page and not my company page. How do I connect my COMPANY page to Ritetag?
How do I connect my company page to RItetag? Right now, it only connects my personal Facebook page.

RiteTag Tag Optimizer Upgrade message. Screen error. Sep 18.

RiteTag Tag Optimizer as Google 拡張機能(English word:extension?)
This is Screen error.

Log In Issues
I signed up under my Facebook account, but that is not the account I want to login with. I can’t find anywhere on your site to change the login. Please help! I want to use my twitter account to login. I’ve purchased your Lite package, and now I’m stuck with it linked to an account that I don’t want to use it for. Please let me know asap how to switch the account over to my twitter. Are there any other options to login?

(Test) I add Jpeg.file But Ritetag do not allow to add file.

Hi. Ritetag active. No problem.
I try to add file (Test)
I choose Jpeg file.
But Ritetag do not allow to add file.
Thank you

Against "Sent tweet" List.They connect only 20 tweet of the latest

They connect only 20 tweet of the latest.
They can't connect Tweet of before.
When I click mouse to "Clicks on links" "Retweets" "Favorites"
I found 20 of the latest's tweet list only.
I can't found tweet of before. (Clicks and Tweets Time)
My best user click Time line area had near 5:30 pm(JST) in Sep 19.
But I did not know.
Thank you.

Taking Up Optimal Post Real Estate

Suggested hashtags are off base

Also, suggestion: How about offering a longer, scrollable list of suggestions?
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